House Rules
Unter Uns
House Rules
- All members are strictly forbidden to bring any unknown person into the hall.
- No member has the right to open the inside door of the hall to allow entrance into the club.
- No member is permitted to give alcoholic beverages to minors.
- All members are responsible for their guests and their families that have been signed in – guest must leave upon member leaving the club.
- Obscene and foul language will not be tolerated.
- Any member who hits or strikes another member shall be subjected to not less than a two (2) year suspension, with subsequent offenses carrying a greater penalty than the first, as per the by-laws Article XIII, Section 5.
- Defacing club property or any willful damage by any individual will result in the person being held responsible for said damage and being suspended immediately for a period of time determined by the Officers of the Society.
- All members must carry their membership card while attending the club.
- Any person who was expelled or suspended from the Society shall not be permitted entry as a guest.
- Non-members area not permitted to sit or stand at the bar area.
- If membership is available, any person wishing to enter the Society as a guest must upon the third visit, within one (1) year, apply for membership.
- As of April 1st, any unpaid memberships will be subjected to a $5.00 late fee.
- During Club sponsored events with a cover charge, members will be expected to pay said cover charge.
- For contracted events where a cover charge has been established, members will have the option of paying said cover charge and attend the event of be required to go to the designated members area. If tickets are no longer available, members will be required to go to the designated members area.
- The interior of the Club is non-smoking (tobacco free, including electronic cigarettes (vaping)).
- Any violation of these House Rules or refusal to comply at once to these orders from any officer or employee of the Society, will be disciplined in accordance with the Constitution and Bylaws of the Society.